giving dollars

Mifalos Chayim V'Chesed encompasses a broad spectrum of causes, covering virtually every facet of Jewish life.

More than just a financial lifeline, Mifalos Chayim V'Chesed maintains a finger-on the-pulse of the communities it serves, constantly identifying and re-assessing the need and the most effective approach for providing acute assistance in all facets of life.

Reb Zelig Mendelowitz has become a one-man legend in the world of tzedakah & chesed.

Mifalos Chayim V'Chesed was born out of Reb Zelig's care and concern for struggling families, needy individuals and challenged youths, covering virtually every facet of Jewish life.

Philanthropists, donors good-hearted patrons from across the spectrum of Klal Yisroel have found in Mifalos Chayim V'Chesed a direct channel of giving to a broad array of causes, secure in the knowledge that their donation is having a maximum impact on the lives the recipients.

With a minimal overhead budget, all of Mifalos Chayim V'Chesed's myriad projects and initiatives are personally administered by Reb Zelig himself, serving as a loyal and devoted intermediary between the anonymous benefactors and needy beneficiaries.
Mifalos Chayim V'Chesed

our projects

Yom Tov Chalukahs

Yom Tov Chalukahs

Bringing the Joy of Yom Tov to Thousands of Struggling Families

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Bread & Milk Distributions

Bread & Milk Distributions

Critical Daily Sustenance for Children

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>Ezer L'Yeshivos

Ezer L'Yeshivos

A Critical Lifeline for Struggling Teenagers

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Individual Aid

Individual Aid Projects

So Many Needs.
So Many Ways to Help.

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View All Projects
A one-man legend in the world of tzedakah and chesed.
A direct channel of giving to a broad array of causes, channeling the maximum benefits directly to its intended recipients. Donate Today!