Yom Tov Chalukah
Bringing the Joy of Yom Tov to Thousands of Struggling Families
The "Chalukah" distribution scheduled in advance of the Yamim Tovim in nine different communities spanning the length and breadth of Beit Shemesh, is among the largest distributions in Eretz Yisroel.
Close to 9,000 families, numbering over 65,000 souls, count on these generous chalukah distributions for their basic necessities to bring joy into their destitute homes and celebrate Yom Tov with proper decorum.
Distributions include meat, fish, shoes, clothing, seforim, housewares and an array of essential household items all, allocated and appropriated per each family's individual needs through an elaborate card system. The discreet manner of distribution is designed to ensure and protect the recipient families' dignity and anonymity.
More than 65,000 souls count on these generous distributions for their basic necessities to bring joy into their destitute homes
Donate Today!
$12 Million
Beit Shemesh, Eretz Yisroel
Beit Shemesh Today
It is generally assumed that the predominant Torah observant cities in Eretz Yisroel are Yerushalayim and Bnei Brak. But for people aged 40 and younger that is no longer the case.
A full two generations have been, for the most part, priced out of the main cities do to the explosive growth of recent decades. Spread across nine different enclaves, each with its own unique character and flavor, the primary metropolis of tomorrow's Torah community is Beit Shemesh. It outnumbers Yerushalayim and Bnei Brak by large numbers in its count of school age children and younger avreichim.
Seforim, housewares, etc.